4th Sunday of Easter (21.04.2024)

First Holy Communion Programme. Session THIS Sunday, 21st April after the 9.00am Mass.


Confirmation Candidates. Please note that THIS Sunday, 21st April, the Rite of Acceptance will take place at 3pm at the Cathedral (Ingrave Road, Brentwood, CM15 8AT). All our confirmation candidates are excepted to be there. (check "confirmation" section on our website for more details). 


Baptism Preparation. If you are considering having your child baptised in the near future, please note that you will need first to register and attend a Baptism Preparation Class. The next class will take place THIS Monday 22nd April at 6:30pm here in the Church. In order to attend, you must: Be a registered member of our Parish / Attend Sunday Mass regularly / Be known to the Priest. Additionally, you will need to bring to the class proof that at least one parent is a Catholic. This needs to be evidenced by one of the following: Baptismal Certificate / Confirmation Certificate / A letter from the Parish where you grew up confirming that you are a Catholic. If you live outside of our Parish you must obtain written permission from your Parish Priest to have your child baptised at La Salette. Please contact one of the Priests to arrange for registration.


Gift Aid. If you pay by Standing Order or Direct Debit, please take your envelopes from the porch as we cannot allocate your Gift Aid number to anyone else. If you no longer pay tax – and are therefore ineligible for Gift Aid – please let us know so that we can update our records. We are delighted to let you know that for the year 2022-23, we were able to claim £16,039 from Gift Aid as a result of eligible donations. We are most grateful to all who contributed to this important source of income for the Parish.


BEREAVEMENT GROUP. Come along to find comfort, support and understanding at our welcoming and informal bereavement support group. Sheila Delander and Liz Hill will lead the group. We invite you to join us as we navigate through grief together. Our next meeting will be held Wednesday 1st May, at 2pm in St. Anthony’s Hall at the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Harold Hill. There will be subsequent meetings scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of every month. All are welcome. Tea/Coffee and Cake will be provided. 


Weekend Masses. If the Mass is being offered for your intention, and you would like to take up the gifts at the offertory, please see one of the stewards in the porch before Mass and they will arrange this.


Mass Intentions. There are still a number of opportunities to request a Mass Intention on weekdays during April. Please see either Fr Mariusz or Fr Kris to arrange for this.


Mobile Phones. Unfortunately it is apparent that the use of mobile phones during services is increasing. This includes the taking of photographs and accessing social media. Out of respect for our place of worship as well as the privacy of others, (data protection) we must ask that all such use of mobile phones stops immediately. Please TURN OFF your mobile phone upon entering the Church.


Potential Disruption. We have been advised by Cadent Gas that they are about to start a major gas pipe renewal programme in our area. The works are scheduled to take place between 15th April – 4th June. It is possible that this will involve significant traffic disruption, so we ask that Parishioners be aware and allow extra time as necessary during the works period.


REGISTERING AT THE PARISH: It’s always important to have details of all of our parishioners. There are Parish Registration Forms in the Porch of the Church. Please complete and return to the Presbytery.


Offertory Collection. Banking cash continues to be a real problem for us due to the closure of many High Street branches therefore, if at all possible, please support the parish by setting up a standing order in place of giving cash. Standing Mandate forms are available in the porch. If you are a taxpayer, we would also be grateful if you would Gift Aid your offering. Some of you may wish to donate using your contactless card on the machine in the porch of the church, but it will not be Gift Aided. Also you may wish to donate with non-Gift-aid using the codes below. Thank you.


Please pray for the Sick members of our Parish, at home or in hospital: Alda Allen, Theresa Anatole, Cecelia Dunning, David Kowalski, Sheila Miller, Harry O’Connor, Mary Ponting, Jean Shaw, Lorraine Stringer. May they feel the presence of the Lord with them at all times.


The Visiting of the Sick by our Priests.  If you, or a member of your family, would like a visit, please let one of our priests know. 
