3th Sunday Of Lent (C), 23.03. 2025

The Bethlehem Nativity Group. A Missionary from Bethlehem will visit us this weekend to talk about the Holy Land and sell religious articles made of olive wood to help and support poor Christian families. Any help you can give will be highly appreciated.
Side Chapel. We are very fortunate to have a Chapel so close to the Sanctuary, which provides a unique view of the liturgy. If your young child is fretful during Mass, you are encouraged to avail of the Side Chapel where you may find it easier to calm them.
Life in the Spirit Seminars. Please save the dates for the upcoming “Life in the Spirit” seminars which are being held in Brentwood Cathedral Large Hall over 6 Tuesday evenings (29th April - 3rd June). Come along to hear inspiring speakers, be filled with the Holy Spirit and travel through your own 'Holy Door' as we celebrate this Jubilee Year. More details will follow shortly.
Lent–Tin Drive. Bring a tin. This lent we are collecting tinned food to support our local community. All tins will be donated to The Ship Centre, Rainham.
Lent – Stations of the Cross. Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent at 7:00pm followed by Mass. After Mass there will be silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, ending at 9:00pm. Each week the Service will be planned by the following groups: 28th March: Confirmation Group / 4th April: Eucharistic Minsters / 11th April: Altar Servers / 18th April (Good Friday): Priests
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham – 24th May 2025. We are invited to join Bishop Alan and other parishes around the Diocese to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope in Walsingham. We will celebrate Mass at the Basilica before walking the Holy Mile to the grounds of Walsingham Abbey to celebrate Vespers and Benediction on the site of the Holy House. Bishop Alan has asked that this be the main event for the Diocesan celebration of the Jubilee Year of Hope and we would like to go as a Parish Community if possible. If sufficient parishioners are interested we will hire a coach. If you would like to come, please speak to Fr Kris.
British Summer Time. Please don’t forget that clocks go forward one hour next Sunday!
A new way to support our youth. Support our parish youth online. Visit our ‘shop’ to donate. We don’t sell or ship anything. After choosing the amount, click “personal collection” in the basket. Then pay to transfer your donation to our youth fund. Visit <THIS LINK>. Thanks for investing in our parish’s future.
Beginning Experience Weekend. Beginning Experience is a special residential weekend programme for widowed, separated and divorced people, helping participants with natural feelings of grief and loss. The weekend is led by trained volunteers, who have experienced having to adjust to life as single people again. This next programme will be held on 4-6 April at the Sion Community, Essex. For further details please contact: Mary: 07730 884315, or email: BeginningExperience.SoE@gmail.com.
Important information for Parish volunteers with a DBS who have subscribed to the update service. The Online update service has recently changed their renewal process. You can renew your subscription to the update service up to 30 days before your current subscription ends but you cannot renew on the last day of your subscription. This means that when you receive an email from: donotreply@dbs.gov.uk stating that your subscription to the update service is due for renewal, then you will need to follow the instructions given. If you do not renew your subscription before the expiry date, then at the DBS renewal time you will need to apply for a new DBS check and not through the Update service. This does not affect your current DBS date but it will affect the way it is renewed in future.
Sacrament of Reconciliation. As part of our Parish activities within this special Jubilee Year, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is made available 15 minutes before Sunday Mass, in addition to the usual times on Saturdays. All Parishioners are encouraged to avail of this opportunity.
Gift Aid 2025-26. Please note that envelopes for the new financial year are now available for collection in the porch. If you are a tax-payer not yet enrolled in the Parish Gift Aid scheme, we would encourage you to consider joining, as this is a most effective way of donating. We are able to claim an additional 25% on these donations at no cost to you. We have sets of envelopes available for new joiners. Please see Anne Slorak or pass your details to any of the Priests.
Pilgrimage to Poland 29th Sept-6th October 2025 with Father Adam. Cost £999 plus flights, half board basis, twin sharing rooms. For more information, itinerary and booking forms please contact Fr Adam on 02085909026 or email: FrAdamSowa@brcdt.org
♟️ Join Our Chess Classes! ♟️ Elite Chess Academy invites children aged 4-16 and adults to join our chess classes. It’s a great opportunity to learn chess, develop logical thinking, and have fun! 📅 Classes are held on Mondays and Saturdays. If you’re interested, please contact us: 📧 contact@elitechessacademy.co.uk 🖥️ www.elitechessacademy.co.uk 📞 07858975335
Offertory Collection. Please help us to minimise cash handling by setting up a standing order. Forms are available in the porch. Please also consider Gift Aiding your offering if you are a taxpayer. Non-Gift Aid donations can also be made using your contactless card on the machine in the porch.
REGISTERING AT THE PARISH: It’s always important to have details of all of our parishioners. There are Parish Registration Forms in the Porch of the Church. Please complete and return to the Presbytery.
Please pray for the Sick members of our Parish, at home or in hospital: Theresa Anatole, David Kowalski, Sheila Miller, Mary Ponting, Jean Shaw. May they feel the presence of the Lord with them at all times.
Visiting of the Sick. If you, or a member of your family, would like a visit, we are happy to arrange this. Please let one of our priests know.