2nd Sunday of ordinary time  (C), 19.01. 2025

Harry O’Connor RIP. With sadness we announce that Harry O’Connor has passed away. We express our condolences to Harry’s family. Details of funeral arrangements will be announced in due course.


Rotas. New rotas for Readers and Flower Arrangers are now available in the sacristy and on the Parish Website.


Pax Christi. This Sunday is designated as “World Peace Day”. A second collection will be taken up to support the work of Pax Christi, which is the International Catholic Movement for Peace.The work of Pax Christi – the Peace of Christ – is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Its vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in any form. 


Second Collections. Just a gentle reminder for parishioners who contribute by standing order that donations you wish to make toward second collections should be made using the appropriate envelope and placed in the basket.


The Jubilee Year 2025. The Jubilee Year is always a time of grace. In the document: "Decree on the granting of the indulgence during the ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 called by His Holiness Pope Francis," there is an encouragement: "In this regard, this Penitentiary urges all priests to offer generous availability and self-dedication to allow the greatest possible opportunity for the faithful to benefit from the means of salvation, by adopting and publishing time slots for confessions..." Therefore, in our parish, during this Jubilee Year, we will be making available the sacrament of reconciliation 15 minutes before each Sunday Mass. Saturday confession continues to be available in the morning and evening. You may also arrange for confession at another convenient time.


♟️ Join Our Chess Classes! ♟️ Elite Chess Academy invites children aged 4-16 and adults to join our chess classes. It’s a great opportunity to learn chess, develop logical thinking, and have fun! 📅 Classes are held on Mondays and Saturdays. If you’re interested, please contact us: 📧 contact@elitechessacademy.co.uk 🖥️ www.elitechessacademy.co.uk 📞 07858975335


“Flame” – Catholic Youth Event. This all-day event, for Year 9 through to University students, is taking place on Saturday 15th March 2025 at the OVO Arena, Wembley. Please see the poster in the porch for details or visit: www.cymfed.org.uk/flame. We have 40 tickets available at a subsidised price of £20 which includes coach travel to and from the event. If you would like to attend, please speak to Fr Kris.


Westminster Cathedral Choir School. Every September up to six choristers join WCCS in Years 4 or 5. Becoming a chorister offers boys the opportunity to sing in a world-class choir, and to join a top independent school for boys, with up to 100% off of fees. Every half term, the school (via Zoom) welcomes families with boys currently in Years 2,3 and 4 who are keen to explore what it means to be a chorister. The next session is on: Wednesday 29th January. For further information, contact Lucy Freeman at the school:
📞 020 7798 9081  📧  lfreeman@choirschool.com


Mass Books. Please return the books to the Porch at the end of Mass.


Offertory Collection. Please help us to minimise cash handling by setting up a standing order. Forms are available in the porch. Please also consider Gift Aiding your offering if you are a taxpayer. Non-Gift Aid donations can also be made using your contactless card on the machine in the porch.


REGISTERING AT THE PARISH: It’s always important to have details of all of our parishioners. There are Parish Registration Forms in the Porch of the Church. Please complete and return to the Presbytery.


Please pray for the Sick members of our Parish, at home or in hospital: Theresa Anatole, David Kowalski, Sheila Miller, Mary Ponting, Jean Shaw. May they feel the presence of the Lord with them at all times.


Visiting of the Sick. If you, or a member of your family, would like a visit, please let one of our priests know. 
