2nd Sunday (year C), 19th January
Vigil - 6.00pm Parishioners and Visitors
9.00am + Toufica Griffin
11.00am Arletta (Birthday Intention for blessings and support)
Monday, 20th January
8.30am +Maureen Symes
Tuesday, 21st January
8.30am +John Counti
Wednesday, 22nd January
8.30am The Michael Family - Thanksgiving Intention
Thursday, 23rd January
8.30am +Harry O’Connor (Anne)
Friday, 24th January
8.30am Souls in Purgatory
Saturday, 25th January
9.00am Derek - Birthday Intention (Margaret)
Vigil - 6.00pm Parishioners and Visitors
3rd Sunday (year C), 26th January
9.00am +James Maguire
11.00am Parishioners and Visitors