
our next session: 10th January (Friday) at 6.30pm (we will be taking photos for the church display during this session). 


homework for the next session:  "My name for confirmation”; prepare a short explanation: 1) why… 2) few words about the saint (in writing)


“Flame” – Catholic Youth Event. This all-day event, for Year 9 through to University students, is taking place on Saturday 15th March 2025 at the OVO Arena, Wembley. Please see the poster in the porch for details or visit: www.cymfed.org.uk/flame. We have 40 tickets available at a subsidised price of £20 which includes coach travel to and from the event. If you would like to attend, please speak to Fr Kris.


Lourdes 2025 with BCYS, you can check it out and sign up visiting <THIS LINK>
